Lisa M. Dinella, Ph.D.
Gender researcher, professor and speaker
"Using science to understand how little girls’ and boys’ experiences shape them into the young women and men they will become."
Presentations and Workshops
Lisa Dinella works closely with educators, helping them use science to decide what is best for their students.
She uses her background in marriage and family therapy, child development, education science, and gender research to help people make decisions that are best for their school-teachers, students, and parents alike.
Preschools, elementary schools, middle and high schools, and colleges have all benefitted from Lisa Dinella's presentations and workshops, because her research investigates gender development throughout the lifespan.
She helps school stakeholders and parents understand what the science says about gender-related topics, including gender disparities in schools, gender gaps in STEM, the impact of toys and the media on children's learning, body image and emotional development, and gender segregation in college major and career choice.
She also helps translate the research on work-life and family balance for corporations trying to best support their employees.